Another successful Disney run DONE! And finally, some pictures to go with the blog...
We arrived in Anaheim last week and since our hotel wasn't ready for check-in, we went straight to the expo to pick up our race packs. We were delighted to find the unisex shirts were actually quite nice, bought some cool new headbands guaranteed to keep sweat out of our eyes, and won Angels ballcaps. After the expo, we headed to Jack in the Box and Target to stock up on delicious food and buy bottled water and cute new clothes.
And they'rrrrrrre OFF! the Expo |
After a false start, we end up in the right line and pick up our bibs! |
On Saturday, we headed to Disneyland for a half day...checked out the new Star Tours (awesome) and went on a bunch of rides before heading back to the hotel to relax by the pool, then head to Cheesecake Factory for a pre-race dinner of pasta and...cheesecake. We also decided that CF would be always our new pre-race dinner since it's worked so well for us the past 2 times. Since we had to get up at 430, it was lights out at 8pm...
I photoshopped out the beer and cheesecake, suckers! |
RACE DAY!!!!!!!!
We jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, shrieking over how cute we looked in our outfits. We headed over to the starting line, where after some confusion, we got into the correct corral the anthem and some fireworks, and the first 3 corrals, we were OFF!!! We managed to snag pictures at EVERY mile marker too! Here are some of the best pictures from our run...
Feeling good...for 5am |
Minnie Mice at the Castle |
Does this make out butts look FAST? |
We're only smiling because it's almost over... |
I can't move out of the finish chute quickly, I need a picture.
And some aspirin please |
Final time was 2:35:32, which means we were 12 seconds faster than Disneyworld and proves that when I say I only have one running speed, I ain't kidding. I am nothing if not consistent. Plus, since we had run a race at each park, we received the Coast to Coast medal, so we had very satisfying clinking noises as the two medals clanged together on the walk back to the hotel.
Post race, we had a quick soak in the hottub before heading to the Angels game for hotdogs, beer and relaxing in the sun. Angels win, and we head back to the park until midnight...then the next day we were at the park from 8am-midnight. Squeezed out every drop of fun, but maybe was a bit too much...I was so sore on the flight home the next day, I had to take the Folkswagon from the gate to customs because I didn't think I could handle the 6 minute walk...
Post race beer and chili cheese dogs at the Angels game...Angels win! |
Actually, yes, we DID plan the outfits--Twins game, get it?? |
Fairy Godmother flies coast to coast too! |
Best. Day. EVER!!!!! |
We had an awesome time, the weather was great, and all the new stuff at Disney was amazing (World of Color, Star Tours, Little Mermaid, Captain EO coming back) and the race was great.
Our New Years resolution was to complete four half marathons in 2011, so we have one to go...