OK, lesson learned. BEFORE you try a new training method, find out all you need to know before you end up asking for instruction mid method. In this new 'marathon training' world full of words like "fartlek" and training schedules to keep you on pace, you learn that pretty much everyone else knows more than you do on the subject of running so take as much in as you can. So if we back up to Tuesday when still not feeling 100% but wanting to keep up with the current training schedule, I get to the gym early and up onto the treadmill to do my scheduled 4km run. Felicity mentions that I should try to use the interval button because it's something we'll be doing in our training in the future anyway. I think sure, let's get ahead and start something new! I'm told which buttons to press and I'm on my way at my usual pace for the "warm-up". Once I'm comfortable and on my way I'm told to push the interval button to start this 'new' process (which I do) and my treadmill takes off at a pace that can only be discribed as a full stride run, faster than I've run since grade 10 track 100m finals or after the a group of guys got out of their car and started chasing us when we hit them mid windshield with a waterballoon! Not an easy pace to keep.. well it has to be said that when I am totally sure I am about to be thrown off the back of the treadmill because my feet just won't keep up and my lungs feel like they are going to explode, I muster enough air to ask Felic "When it will stop?" only to be told that it's up to me to stop and start the intervals over the whole run .. 'Information that would have been useful yesterday!'
Needless to say, I did complete the task and ran the rest of the 4km, only I did it with my tail between my legs trying to get my lungs back. Lesson learned: Get ALL the information about the method before starting something new.
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