As Felicity mentioned, we’re pretty proud of how well we’ve stuck to the training schedule on our own and with the group so far, especially considering the Christmas parties, new schedules (for some of us), excess baked goods intake, etc. It’s not an easy schedule to do especially on your own. Well this Tuesday I was faced with the prospect of running hills, by myself, at dawn before work and without anyone to help me forgot why I was doing this. Fortunately/Unfortunately I live in an area with great elevation literally at my doorstep (some might recall the infamous run with Crystal a few months back).
Well I stepped out my front door and ran down my street then started the up and downs all the way back home. I have to say that this was not my favourite ‘by myself’ run and actually took some inner talk to finish.. but finish I did. A few learnings.. 1. Play the iPod – Silence and the sound of wheezing does not make you run any faster! 2. Do the BIG hills first, not last – When struggling to the top of your fourth hill .. you remember how short the first one was. 3. Friends – Way easier to complete tasks with friends by your side (sounds hokey.. but when you are struggling up the hill beside people, makes you realize you are not alone) heh.. even Lauren and Audrina do their hill walks together, scripted or not!!
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